Changing the Registered Address of Your Company

After registering a company with an initial address, you might need to change the company's registered address for various reasons.

This can easily be done using the EROC login of an existing director or the company secretary.

Form 13 - Notice of Company's Change of Registered Office Address

Form 13 is the official document used to make changes to the address of your company.

Form 13 must be submitted to the Registrar at least 5 working days before the address change takes effect.

There are a few important details to consider when choosing a new address for your company:

Addresses without Leading Unit Numbers

Example: Mahara, Kadawatha.

If your address does not include a leading number (like a house or apartment number), you may need to provide proof of the address. This could be an electricity or water bill received to the address or a Grama Niladhari Certificate.

If the address is not under the name of a director or shareholder, you must also provide a consent letter from the owner, along with the billing proof.

For those planning to rent or lease a property without leading numbers as the new business location, you can prepare the lease or rent agreement in the name of one of the directors or shareholders. This agreement, along with billing proof, can then be used for the address change.

Addresses with Leading Unit Numbers

Example: No. 10, Mahara, Kadawatha.

Using an address with leading unit numbers makes the address change process easier. You may not need to provide additional proof documents for the address change.

If you plan to rent or lease a property with leading unit numbers, you can change the company's address first and then prepare the lease or rent agreement in the company’s name, as no proof documents are needed for the address change in this case.

Receiving Approval for Form 13 from the Registrar of Companies

You’ll receive an email notification once your Form 13 is approved. A certified copy of Form 13 can be obtained, which is useful for informing banks or any other parties about the change.

By following these steps, you can smoothly manage changes to your company's address, ensuring everything is in line with regulatory requirements.


The address you choose will be used by government and other institutions, such as the Inland Revenue Department, banks, and customs, for registrations and correspondence. Therefore, it's crucial to select a proper and reliable address as your company's new address.

Tips by Biz Advisor

It is advised to inform the change of your address to the Department of Inland Revenue, Department of Labour, banks, and any other relevant institutions, and make necessary updates accordingly.